Lark Street and Washington Avenue Transit and Pedestrian Safety Improvements

CDTA Washington AvenueCreighton Manning and the Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) were recognized with a Transportation Project of the Year Award during the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) NY Upstate Section Annual Meeting in Buffalo on September 10, 2019. The project focused on pedestrian safety in a three-block area of Washington Avenue, including the Lark Street intersection and the Capital District Transportation Authority’s (CDTA) Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lark/Library BusPlus Station in the City of Albany, New Yok. The project included the relocation and consolidation of two bus stations to a midblock location to help reduce ride time and transfer activity. Pedestrian improvements included installation of a mid-block traffic signal and pedestrian crosswalk. Transit improvements included design and installation of two traffic signals and a queue jump lane to enable buses to merge with traffic more easily. The new BRT station is located in front of the Albany Public Library and features seating, lighting, and an expanded shelter at this major CDTA customer waiting area.

ITE is an international association that enables engineers and other professionals in the field of transportation and traffic engineering to contribute individually and collectively toward meeting human needs for mobility and safety, and promotes the professional development of its members.