Creighton Manning provides highly skilled and experienced construction administration and inspection staff to ensure that engineering designs are accurately constructed to achieve the design life anticipated. We represent our clients’ best interests with our strong knowledge of engineering standards, construction procedures and contract requirements, and are sensitive to schedule demands. Creighton Manning is dedicated to providing accurate and precise project documentation that can withstand internal and external audits.
Ensuring the safety of the traveling public and those working in construction areas is of paramount importance. Key staff including our Construction Project Manager, Chief Inspectors, Office Engineers, and Inspectors have had formal training in Work Zone Traffic Control requirements to ensure work zones are set up consistent with federal, state, and local standards.
Creighton Manning has experience providing construction inspection services for a variety of infrastructure maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction projects for the New York State Department of Transportation, local municipalities, and corporate clients through the permit process. We successfully guide municipalities through the locally administered federal aid project process to ensure all the requirements of the funding are fulfilled.
Creighton Manning’s inspection staff maintain a thorough understanding of FHWA and New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Policies, Standards and Specifications. We have extensive experience implementing the NYSDOT standard specifications for bridge and highway construction, and maintaining project records in accordance with the Manual for Uniform Record Keeping (MURK). Construction inspection staff are certified by the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) or have the equivalent ASCE title.
Our inspection staff take care of the contractual civil rights reporting requirements associated with New York State and federally-funded construction projects. Creighton Manning has extensive experience with the State Department of Transportation program called EBO (Equitable Business Opportunities), which streamlines the civil rights reporting process. We will ensure all reporting requirements of the project funding are satisfied.