Transit PlanningEffective transit systems are an important element in the overall transportation infrastructure of any metropolitan area. A quality public transportation system reduces traffic congestion, improves mobility for residents, provides accessibility to jobs and businesses, and improves environmental sustainability.

Creighton Manning has experience planning and designing transit infrastructure including bus stations, shelters, park and ride lots, bus bays, and bus rapid transit components including transit signal priority, and queue jump lanes. We implement complete streets policies in the design of transportation improvements to improve access and transit service, and increase transit ridership.

Creighton Manning works with transit agencies and transportation authorities to move projects from the initial planning phase through Project Development and final design. We work effectively with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and deliver context-sensitive design solutions that meet the funding and regulatory requirements.

Related services:

  • Transit Operations Planning
  • Transit Infrastructure Design
  • Transit Corridor Studies
  • Bus Rapid Transit Planning + Design
  • Bus Station Evaluation + Design
  • Mobility Hubs
  • GIS Analysis + Visualization
  • Grant Application + Administration Support