Project Description
A/GFTC Rural Transportation Needs Assessment
Warren, Washington, and Northern Saratoga Counties, New York
This study included a transportation needs assessment and gaps analysis of rural and underserved populations to improve mobility options in rural areas. The Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council region is home to just over 143,000 people. About 78,000 of those people live outside the Glens Falls urbanized area. The project included an inventory of transportation resources in the rural area in Washington, Warren and northern Saratoga counties, identifying transportation challenges facing residents of this area and quantifying the mobility needs based on demographic analysis of the region. The study included a set of alternatives for addressing those needs and included public outreach and a survey to gather input on the findings of the study. Creighton Manning, as a subconsultant to Steadman Hill Consulting, was responsible for the public outreach for this project. A combination of stakeholder interviews, agency coordination, geographic analysis and surveys were used to understand the needs of the underserved target population and to get their feedback on the potential solution options.