Project Description
Hardscrabble Wind Power Project Site Design
Towns of Norway, Fairfield and Little Falls; Herkimer County, New York
This project involved the construction of a wind farm consisting of 37 Gamesa turbines on 100m towers with an output capacity of approximately 74 MW. The project was part of a continuing effort to supply more renewable energy to consumers while minimizing environmental impacts to every extent practicable. The project included an O & M facility, collection system, collection and interconnection substations and layout areas for project components and materials. Off-site improvements identified by the Transportation Route Evaluation Study consisted of intersection improvements, utility relocations and drainage improvements. Creighton Manning was responsible for the preparation of all preliminary site plans for permitting, construction plans, and the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Creighton Manning also prepared the Transportation Route Evaluation Study submitted as part of the DEIS.
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