Project Description

NY 5 Bus Rapid Transit Transportation Design

Albany and Schenectady Counties, New York

This project involved the analysis of 72 traffic signals for Transit Signal Priority (TSP) implementation, and 3 queue jump installations along the 17 mile NY Route 5 corridor to support the Bus Rapid Transit service between downtown Albany and Schenectady. The studies resulted in the design and implementation of TSP at 43 locations and across 3 traffic signal maintenance jurisdictions and 3 Queue Jump lanes in 2 different jurisdictions. The Queue Jumps involved both curb side lanes and the use of a middle-thru lane to facilitate traffic signal phasing. Driveway and ROW Impacts required multiple property owner meetings and an EDPL Public Hearing. All of the work was incorporated into a Categorical Exclusion document which was approved by FTA. Creighton Manning, as prime consultant on this Federal Transit Agency (FTA) funded project, was responsible for the preparation of the Design Approval Document/Environmental Assessment, all preliminary and final roadway reconstruction design plans, and construction inspection services.

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