Project Description
Washington Avenue Transit and Pedestrian Safety Improvements
City of Albany, Albany County, New York
Creighton Manning was the lead engineer for this Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) project to improve safety and mobility for all modes of travel in the busy Washington Avenue corridor in downtown Albany. The project utilized Complete Street principles to improve access for pedestrians and transit, and traffic signal design to address pedestrian safety and traffic operations improvements. Project components consisted of relocation and consolidation of bus stations to a mid-block location to facilitate better operations, widening of the roadway to add a left turn lane and provide space for relocated on street parking, traffic signal replacement, and the installation of a mid-block traffic signal. The project also required coordination with the Albany Public Library to reconstruct the entryway and pedestrian plaza area adjacent to the bus station.
Services provided by the firm included:
- Public Informational Meetings
- Traffic Modeling
- Traffic Signal Design
- Highway Design
- Construction Inspection
- Survey & Mapping
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