Project Description
Zim Smith Trail Connector Design
Town of Malta, Saratoga County, New York
This project involves the design of a new multi-use trail that begins at the Zim Smith Trail adjacent to I-87 (the Northway) and ends at the intersection of US Route 9/NY Route 67 and the Round Lake Bypass. The project includes a connection along the I-87 culvert over Ballston Creek and a connection to US Route 9 via the existing Saratoga County Sewer easement. The trail includes accommodations for pedestrian, bike, and equestrian use, with the objective of minimizing environmental impacts. Regulatory permits were obtained from the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for wetland impacts and mitigation. A Phase 1A/1B cultural resources study was conducted and submitted to NYSHPO. This Multi-Modal funded project required coordination with NYSDOT Region 1 for a Use and Occupancy Permit. Creighton Manning was also responsible for construction inspection services.
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